Monday, March 28, 2016

Spare Me the Drama Tour

check out our new studio on e. grayson street! (1) Spare Me the Drama Book Tour March 28th - April 1st

51MEfGP-rlL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_ Spare Me the Drama By author - Karen Tomsovic


Love a good soap opera?

Then tune in to Spare Me the Drama

Humor and heart come together in this contemporary love story about second chances and family life...

When widowed father of eight Martin Leon remembers that he forgot to invite an important guest to a birthday party for one of the kids, who can blame him? Since his wife’s death, he’s struggled to juggle the demands of a large family with the equally demanding job as head writer of the daytime soap opera he and Jeanie once co-wrote together but which he must now pen alone in the face of a dwindling audience, an executive producer only too happy to alter the course of his stories at her slightest whim, and a nagging case of writer’s block.

Roxanne Hunter parlayed her sexy role on After the Loving into a lucrative, luxury-bedding business years ago and didn’t look back. Just when she was on the brink of having it all, the universe pulled the rug out from under her, leaving her to nurse a devastating double loss of her own.

Accepting Martin’s last-minute invitation, Roxanne decides it’s the perfect getaway to take her mind off her lonely life. All she wants is to fulfill a promise she once made to Martin’s sister and find out how he and his brood are coping with grief. Though Martin may wake up one of these days ready for a woman again, Roxanne has no intention of reliving the days of her youthful, secret crush on him.

But the females in Martin’s family have other plans. Startled by the revelation that she is as much a stray as anyone else Martin has taken into his household, Roxanne nevertheless allows herself to be enfolded into the embrace of family life and a romance with him.

Can she fulfill her promise to get through fate together, or will the universe – and the past – pull the rug out from under her one more time, just as she’s about to get the happy ending she always wanted but never dared dream she’d have?

Readers of funny, feel-good women's fiction will want to grab this witty but tender, literate romance of a widowed single father and the sexy femme fatale who brings him back to life.

Fans of young adult characters also will enjoy the viewpoint of the hero's teenage daughters on his new-found love...

Buy the Book:

AmazonUS AmazonUK

Win the Book:

win 1 of 3 eBook copies!! opened internationally.

About the Author:

f87c3a3f-fecf-410f-9a21-01d2628babc6 Karen Tomsovic


Karen Tomsovic lives and writes in the Pacific Northwest, where she stares out her kitchen window thinking up new ways to describe clouds. Her two pet parrots (aka “permanent toddlers”), Teddy and Daisy, interrupt her as often as possible. Like her owner, Daisy loves to devour a good book, but she does so in a more literal sense. Teddy makes a great muse. He says Mommy should have a bird in every book. Mommy says she’ll try.

Find her here:

Twitter GoodReads Facebook


Karen has a NEW book coming out soon! She's looking for early readers/reviewers to read in the next month. If you're interested please fill out the following form and we'll get the book to you asap! Sign-Up by clicking the book cover below:

08ecca0c-53c7-4c8b-9052-50ef4c1bbb7b ^^click me to sign up as an early reviewer^^


Check out ALL the Book Tour Stops:


(2) 02.08.16 (3)

March 28th

Bookish Things & More - - Book Review Literary Chanteuse - - Promo Post Ever Growing Book Obsession - - Promo Post Red's Midnight Readers - - Book Excerpt

March 29th

Around the World in Books - - Book Excerpt/Promo Post Hello...Chick Lit - - Book Review

March 30th

Ali - The Dragon Slayer - - Promo Post Romance Writer and Lover of Books - - Book Reivew/Excerpt Chick Lit Central - - Book Review

March 31st

vvb32 reads - - Book Review/Excerpt

April 1st

The Bookworm's Book Reviews - - Book Review Romantic Reads and Such - - Book Review/Excerpt Pretty Little Book Reviews - - Book Review ItaPixie's Book Corner - - Book Review


Tour arranged by HCL Book Tours & Author Services: an extension of Hello...Chick Lit NOW Booking Tours for June/July/August

H Services (1)


  1. Thanks so much for posting about "Spare Me the Drama" and "Heart Throbs." Much appreciated!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
