Welcome to the tour for The Lost and Found Life of Rosy Bennett!
The Lost and Found Life of Rosy Bennett
By author - Jan Birley
Rosy loved her London life – her job in a designer shop, her gorgeous West London family house and of course her gorgeous family (although young sons are enough to test anyone at times). All that disappears when, one unremarkable morning, after one unremarkable school run, her husband collapses on a crowded tube carriage and dies. As she struggles her way through the grief, she discovers her husband’s secret life: secrets accounts, secret deals that their solicitor knew nothing of, secret debts and what looks like a secret “very close friend” at least. Totally unprepared and suddenly in debt, Rosy is forced to leave London to start a new life with her incredibly reluctant boys in the countryside. Can angsty urban teenagers cope with farm life, let alone enjoy it? More to the point, can their mother? It’s certainly not going to be easy but when you are at rock bottom the only way is up.
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About the Author:
So – all about me ………
I went to live in London when I was 17. Pretty young really, amazing that my parents let me go – after six years at a draughty boarding school in Yorkshire, my knowledge of life was hardly encyclopaedic. Mind you, whose is at 17? Initially, I trained as a radiographer but didn’t like it much and dabbled in other worlds where I couldn’t find anything I really wanted to do. Apart from sit and read a book, of course. Nanny? Nope. Not after attempting to look after two hideous children who only spoke Dutch. Cooking in a restaurant in Cornwall? Not really my thing, especially as my role seemed to consist of doing the washing up. So back to London where I spent many years in Wandsworth, getting married and having three fabulous sons, two of whom are twins. Now I live in Dorset, but am unwilling to give up totally on city life and so I still go back there to work at LSE one day a week. I’m a dyslexia support tutor. I also work at a local girls’ school and because of the lovely, long holidays I’m able to spend a good part of the year with all my boys at our holiday home in Italy. Along with our elderly dog, we relish the time we’re able to spend in la bella Umbria. My husband is the Deputy Mayor of our town here in Dorset which keeps him busy.
I’ve recently published, on line, my first novel with the second one to follow shortly. The third one is still in the process of being written. All of them are stand-alone books. Although I’ve been writing for many years, it never seemed a possible financial option as a career but belatedly I’ve realised that if I don’t pursue my dream right now, that’s all it will ever be. The result is The Lost and Found Life of Rosy Bennett.
Find her here:
Twitter GoodReads Facebook http://janbirley.co.uk/
Check out all the stops on the tour:
March 21st
Judging More Than Just The Cover - www.AmberGreggBooks.com - Review/Author Q&A T&L Book Reviews - http://tasz1976.wordpress.com - Book Excerpt/Promo Post Grass Monster - https://twitter.com/Lost815_Oceanic - Book Review
March 22nd
Literary Chanteuse - www.literarychanteuse.blogspot.ca - Promo Post Steamy Book Momma - http://steamybookmomma0.blogspot.com - Book Excerpt Around the World in Books - http://www.aroundtheworldinbooks.ca/ - Promo Post
March 23rd
JustaBooklovinJunkie - http://jabooklovinjunkie.blogspot.com/ - Book Excerpt/Promo Post SassyCatChat - https://sassycatchat.wordpress.com/ - Book Review/Promo Post Book Groupies - http://bookgroupies2.blogspot.com/ - Book Excerpt Hello...Chick Lit - http://hellochicklit.com - Book Review
March 24th
ItaPixie's Book Corner - http://itapixie.blogspot.it/ - Book Review/Book Excerpt Chick Lit Central - http://chicklitcentral.com - Author Q&A The Bookworm's Book Reviews - Thebookworm88.blogspot.com - Book Review
March 25th
Ali - The Dragon Slayer - http://cancersuckscouk.ipage.com/ - Book Review/Promo Post Portobello Book Blog - portobellobookblog.com - Book Excerpt Have Books, Will Read - Www.havebookswillread.wordpress.com - Book Review/Excerpt
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