Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sunday Post

The Sunday Post is hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer  @ It's a post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share news.

Well It has been a quiet week.  My biggest news is both Literary Chanteuse (this blog)  and Literary Chanteuse 2 (my second blog) have gotten a make over! Like sisters they are similar in appearance but have some differences. Here's the link to take a look:

I joined in on Stacking The Shelves on Saturday which is hosted by Tynga's Reviews. An opportunity to list all the books I've accumulated over the past week.  I went on a shopping spree and you can take a peek here to see my great finds:

I'll be taking part in the WWW...WWW...WWW... Wednesdays hosted by Should be Reading @ Features the books I'm currently reading, have finished reading and will read next. So drop by this Wednesday!

Things have also been quiet at InD'tale Magazine ........

however, this does not mean we have not been busy! We are getting ready for the RONE Awards ceremony taking place at the RNC Romance Novel Convention. Here's the link to take a look if you have not heard about it yet.   So excited I can't wait!


Hope you all have a fantastic Sunday!


  1. You had quite the book haul! Thank you so much for stopping by My Book Addiction. Happy reading! Oh, and I post all the FREEBIES and .99 cent books on my Facebook page if you want to make sure you don't miss any. :D

    1. Oh I will. Thanks for letting me know and thanks for stopping by!

  2. You got some goodies this week. I love me some freebies. I stay away this, but I'm not sure how I did that. Enjoy your new books. :)

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever's Sundays Post

  3. Love the make-over and feel free to combine Stacking with this, since mine includes haul as well, a lot of peeps do! The Sunday Post
